Principal Desk

Principal Desk

“The pathway to educational excellence lies with in each school”

Sinhgad Public School provides a progressive, broad based and comprehensive education for both boys and girls. The school is the vision of Prof MN Navale, our Founder President and Dr (Mrs) Sunanda Navale, Founder Secretary who envisaged this institution as a seat of learning where every child will find holistic education and grow into a school with a global presence educating and equipping the children to meet the challenges of a fast changing world with equanimity.

Our dream is – shaping individuals for a better tomorrow and to make not just learned individuals, but better human beings.

The education imparted here is deeply rooted in Indian values, culture and tradition without ignoring the finer influences of the west. The school motto is “In pursuit of excellence”… It imbibes in our children a drive to strive and stretch beyond the limits and bounds of perfection.

Mr. Nirmal Kumar Mishra

Mr. Nirmal Kumar Mishra
MA(Eng), MA(AIH & A), BEd, LL B, DSM